Army of Me

The blade itself had me hooked by the first page nay the second paragraph. I’m this close ( you can’t see what my fingers are doing) to rereading this book. Is there a plot peaking here and there? YES, is there cool mysterious things happening? YES. But above all this book is character driven. The characters are so well rounded, funny, scary, jaded, pretentious and relatable!

The world of The Blade itself isn’t a new concept if you’ve read Game of Thrones or the icon Lord of the Rings you’ll find yourself in a DeJa’Vu trance. Joe Abrecrombie unabashedly accepts the influence those major writers had on his own work. Joe borrowed just a tad and ran with it hahahaha this is in no way  belittling Joe's work. When it comes to grim dark Joes your guy. The scope of the world is contained.... for now. The  main objective to this book was to set-up the trilogy and to indulge the readers with well written morally grey characters. 

I don't have a clear vison of what is to come but I can't wait... here is a breakdown of the characters lets start with my favorite: 

Sand dan Glokta huy huy this character had me hooked! okay picture this, he is tall, dark and handsome one of the best NO! correction the best fencer in the region. He comes from a noble family so, you can scratch "humble beginnings" from his background. At a point in his life he  allowed all his virtues to get into his head and had to show off. An act of bravery cost him everything (I don't want to spoil the entire thing) buuuuut he is captured and terribly  tortured. In the chapter titled The Morning Ritual I get to experience the aftermath. I get to read how porridge is the only thing he can eat and how he defecates in his robes almost every morning. Yea this book is grim dark. This chapter is also slightly comical i get to listen to Glokta's inner voice which is sarcastic and funny. He makes a mockery of himself in the most hilarious way. What intrigues me the most is his resilience he has something driving him despite the fact that he is now crippled and has no teeth. 

Then we has Jezal dan Luther another pretentious youth. Similarly to Glokta he is the best at what he does. Also he is described as a very good lookin fellow just like Glokta. Jezal is in love with Ardee West. Ardee is in simpler terms a nobody while her beauty is exotic and unmatched her finances are nonexistent I double Jezal's family would approve. But then again I have only read the first book so who knows. This duo made me laugh the entire book.

Okay I know I SAID Glokta was my favorite but I have a hunch in regards to Logan Ninefingers. Is this guy our main character? the book truly dives into ever character that at the end of the book you're thinking ... ooookkkkaaaay so whos the main character here. We have the wise Bayaz he is a funnier rendition to Gandalf the grey, then we has Malacus Quai the frail apprentice to Bayaz who always neglects his studies. Ferro Maljinn (she is amazing!!!) is another impressive character but none socked me like Logan in that last chapter!!! I understood Logan was a fighter a stern calculating man but he flips to a violet unrecognizable man who cannot be stop.... his anthem is Army of Me by Bjork. He lost everything, well it was taken from him isn't this how tragic stories begin.

Util the last chapter of my next book. 


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