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Showing posts from October, 2010

Modern Love doesn’t only exist in our Golden Years…They could be Heroes just for one day don’t you think?

Where do I start with David Bowie?…… personally most of his songs if not all have a massive impact in my mood and the way I see life. My feelings get tangled up in his lyric and fall in an endless abyss of self-indulgence. Hollywood has given marriage such a bad name, they get married today and divorce tomorrow and that’s how the water flows, but these brilliant humans set a steady example of what marriage is all about. Not only are they legally married but they have about two decades supporting one another charming right? Camera still out of service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is killing me!! As much as I do enjoy posting things on David Bowie I miss my creations well have a brilliant day! Love Dye♥

Smell the woods as the wind drags your dreams and fills your lungs with hope..........!!

Its funny I told one of my friend to view my blog and she was a bit shocked apparently its to dark for her hahahahah!! I couldn’t stop laughing I don’t walk the streets in long dark dresses (nothing wrong with that) but I do love dark cloudy places and I love musky, wood scents like amber and vintage rose. But honestly the mystery of black and white photos is exquisite!! Haunting places like forgotten hills and valleys are a wonderful place to have a photo-shoot ,to have some peace of mind, and the night always brings tranquility................ Please enjoy! Ok something terrible happened, I sent out a wonderful giveaway to my dearest blog friend Amber (she’s the lovelies) and I just received the package today!!! I feel like am Elvis, and am about to write the song called “Return to sender!!” ……..(Hang in there Amber I’ll ship it right back ok, don’t you worry one bit!!)   For more cheerful news it’s Friday gosh sometimes the routine is just stressing but this weekend am going out