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Showing posts from July, 2010

"Do You Best And Don’t Worry"-Morrissey

Yes its Friday and it feels fantastic why? Because its Friday that’s why hahaha!…….This week has been extremely busy at work , it even surprised me how much work I had to get done in one day! ( am a very positive person I really am, but I think I really dislike deadlines and Audits!!) I had lunch at 3pm (8 cups of coffee and teas are not applicable) and that made me feel a bit iffy afterwards it’s definitely not the best thing to do. However I did have a wonderful weekend, very special people came to visit me and my lovely Friend Lilo joined me for a lovely chat on Sunday we had an incredible time. Her mind is completely different when I see her and talk to her the movie "The science of Sleep" comes to mind, it is very possible that she might think she’s living in her sleep and sleeping through life… I guess you understand my excitement to spend some time with this whimsical gal…..I’ve also missed some of my friends I haven’t seen lately but to compensate this terrible f

Definition of the word GIRLS:♥

Definition of the word GIRLS: Sweet, Cute , Charming wonderful hair cute skin even cuter lashes, amazing style, wittiness and cute smiles, humble, loyal and always around when you need them ………Well this is my definition hahahaha!! but you know what a lot of girls have in common we love make-up (well some not all hahahah) This is me realizing am on camera (oh no!!! I don’t have any make-up on what shall I do!!) All done …….the end result is still a mystery even to me hahahaha!! Ian is always pointing the camera at me and when I want to do the same he runs away extremely fast!!! See what he’s doing people, asking for the camera He knows my evil plan to snap a picture of him when he least expects it Muaaaaaaaaaaa!! This is a mini gathering I had with friends this Sunday…..I though is was just  a nice dinner with lovely friends but people started to arrive on the last minute….I had a blast my friend Karen is a very creative girl and an incredible dancer, if anyone know how to dance its he