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Showing posts from July, 2023

Green tint

      Backyard Party Memorable moments: mmmm dancing with my husband and chilling on the patio swing whilst everyone danced the night away. Mera and I ran so many errands to make this night possible. The purpose was to celebrate her parents love. It started with a trip to IKEA to wipe the entire store of their fairy lights (we definitely left them with nothing). We then proceeded to purchase many thin curtains to create the backdrop for photos all while sipping on a brown sugar espresso and talking about yup you guessed it boys ... it's typical for 17 year-old girls to have that topic on rotation hahaha.  That same week we drove to the Flower Market in DTLA to pick up some beautiful eucalyptus and baby's breath. Due to the lack of experience we have planning parties we bought tooooooo much baby's breath. My mother in law had a little accident and fell on a poorly built sidewalk. We managed to get her some ice and we headed back home. Once the sun went down me, Mat and Mera

Mid-2023 Recap "Personal Legend"

He never realized that people are capable , at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream off" -The Alchemist  This event is deserving of a post. I've always excelled in any work environment I've ever been placed. However, I was never content I didn't feel proud of my job and trust me when I say I climbed the corporate ladder. I was picking the best of what was available and what was offered. I didn't want what was available anymore. I wanted an adventure and I truly did venture off in a completely new direction. Nevertheless a huge contributing factor to this adventure was my husband  but I'll get into that later. I have to stay far far far away from overthinking my future BUT a plan and a map are useful as Floyd Mayweather once said to Brian Kenny you are a man of many traits but a master of none. I want to become a master in the business of saving lives and for that I do need a plan. I hit my second marker this month and from here it's only gettin