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Showing posts from January, 2021

2020 Edition

 2020 has been awful, the economy has gone down, loads of jobs have been lost, and what's worst many lives have unfortunately been lost. In the words of Winifred "Oh look, another glorious morning, Makes me SICK!!!" it's sickening all this uncertainty. Wait!  did I forget to mention earth was struck by a global pandemic, well it has and it ain't fun. Now I don't want to sit here and pout about life but god only knows how much I miss walking around Target enjoying some hot coffee.  I had to post something on this Blog, it means so much to me!!! I also just realize what a gem this blog is , in terms of tracking my every thought and just plain random human activities hahahaha! without further ado let's have a yearly recap, shall we!  2020 was a year of growth , this part is the most important part! NOW don't get me wrong I'm not walking around saying you're toxic, she's toxic , everyone's toxic, that's plain stupid. However, I'm do