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Showing posts from October, 2013

To see your world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, An eternity in an hour.

  I had a heated conversation with a friend about a very important subject, Superheroes. Yes crucial topic   in my geeky mind superheroes are extremely essential they   not only inspire me but serve as magnificent motivation. If you are a close friend of mine, you might already know that I’ve tried…… and tried to find a female superhero that just takes my breath away!! But unfortunately the only thing I can come-up with is wonder woman. She defines the typical “Superhero” a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman. And we all know about Superman right? He is the least favorite character for many people. I think we just ignore the guy because he was born with his powers, and I personally have a thing for the underdogs. Most people dislike daredevil, but he rose above his limitations without the help of a spider bite. Batman , Bruce Wayne witnessed the murder of his billionaire parents as a child and swore to avenge them. He trained extensively

Rage against wants obscure and protect our light.

At times when I’m running I get a feeling of numbness, in a positive way. I feel my body running at a high speed yet my mind doesn’t seem to mind it which allows me to surpass my limits. Some days I guess I don’t hydrate my body adequately   and I feel the drop down in my energy levels, and I want to give it my all but I feel this pressure around my nose something similar to a nosebleed. It’s a horrible feeling, but what’s even more horrible is the fact that I give in to the pain and stop!!!! Just like that!. I always compare life to running {maybe because I love running} but think about it, we as humans sometimes subdue to pain or difficulties so easily we go gentle with our problems and let them take over and change our state of mind. We get that numbing feeling and simply decide to give up, or be affected by worthless things. But I say NO lets rage on against what’s amazing! We have to sprint to that dying fire and keep it alive. The world is full of darkness that is working on s