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Showing posts from September, 2014

"Runners High"

I want to  celebrating me getting older by ME actually getting wiser, which involves  me being a completely disciplined gal ...   A runners dream is chasing a "Runners High"  its addicting! its scientifically proved that  many chemicals are realized while in a state of a runners high, people desire feeling that incredible sensation over and over again.  "Welcome to California baby" typical line in movies but what they don't say is that life here in Cali runs fast like a loaded river, and working-out becomes something that a friend of a friend of a friends  does. So my resolution is "No mater what" I will shed some toxins & calories, this isn't something last minute , oh Nooooo I've been planning this for sometime .. I bought a calendar with  a pink highlighter to draw a cross on all the mandatory running days, I bought myself a new pair of pink running shoes!! your probably thinking pink, pshshs Diana wearing pink! Hold your horses,


It’s a journey ain’t it? Crazy train……up a few notches please?? Seriously I have had a crazy ride these couple of weeks/years… I’m walking around with this strange bravado tough and all, but deep down inside I feel this strange excitement, I wish I could draw a graph showing the percentage of   happiness, sadness, confusion, anxiety, anticipation , craziness that’s going inside my head. Tomorrow is a very dramatic day I’m turning 26! You know what this means? It means that in a rounding up equation my scale is tilting to the 30’s and not 20’s {OMG! I’m hyperventilating already!!} I wanted to post this tomorrow but, the state of meditating about being 26 is far more exciting and scary. It took me sometime but I consider myself a bona fide gal….. My mantra is “Black is always in, and thinking positive taste like chocolate” and something to do with wonder woman Hahahaha!. I have worried about my life becoming this horrible fiasco and having to hide in my room for all eternity bani