Memory lane first block.......

Ok so I’m back from an exhilarating break, Pshshsh yea right, I wish! Seriously I think the only relaxing time I had this weekend was me listening to U2 while waiting behind seven  cars at Starbucks drive through. Packing these past days has been something tedious but, I re-fell-in-love {lol!}  with so much of the things I have. And found a  book , rings, movies I thought I have lost forever, but I knew deep down inside that wasn’t possible, I mean they don’t have legs hahaha! Okay back to my point I found so many lost items it’s awesome! I also had this terrible wave of sadness just rushing in, but it was a bit of a sugar rush I knew it would fade away rapidly and I would have this lingering nostalgia for the rest of the day. Have you had those days before, when you suddenly find yourself sitting in a room and the way the sunlight hits the couch takes you back ? And you remember the hopes and dreams you had and the things you thought you could never do, and now are probably doing. It brings back smells, and gatherings with people you hold dear and for a minute you wish you could press a reset button. Sometimes I catch myself laughing at things I found amusing during my pre-teen years and now they park in my memory. This sometimes gets me thinking what if everything in life is like this?, what if everything wonderful in life has an expiration date, I panic for like 5 long seconds but then I realize all those past memories are still wonderful and they sure make me smile every time I look back…. Ok  I will start with something funny just to lighten up the mood..

The Parents Trap-I know right? Okay so I’m sitting down in my 5th grade class watching this, I immediately start enjoying the music and the entire camping situation. The music featured in this movie truly makes me remember all my cookie ideas. “Bad To the Bone”-was awesome! “Here comes the sun”-such a happy song. “This will be”-love this song soooooooooo much, Natalie Cole you are so rad! {Those 70’s those bright lights effects are so groovy hahaha} “Ev’ry time we say goodbye”-a good song to conclude this,  Ray Charles such a talented chap.

Everafter- Still a little girl and I just had to fall in love with this movie! Drew was amazing; the strength she transmits to the audience is heartwarming. She made the best of what she had, and at the end it was a definite happy ever after.

The Matrix- At this point my taste had shifted, I started enjoying most of the SyFy & Action  movies I could get my hands on, The first time I enjoyed The Matix it Blew my mind away! It was shocking, astonishing. I guess at that moment I was seeking adventure, and this movie crossed my path. Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”-Deep stuff I think my love for black originated in Neo’s closet, I cant forget Trinity this lady could kick butt so well and look good while doing it. Her look was very inspirational, she wasn't all over the place she had an inner strength.

Ooooooooooooooooh this song is the epitome of my teen years I would listen to it so much, this Mexican-American  girl was my inspiration for some time enjoy.

Have an awesome day:)


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