Yes I can’t wait for summer!!!
Today is definitely random day; I have nothing specific to post.
What is certain is that I feel amazingly positive!!!! And I think I just wanted
to post some of the pictures I collect while browsing the internet. At times I
feel like a beautiful photo might help me transport myself to a location and
give me personal inspiration. I want to walk under the sun, relax my tense
muscles, the salty water will help me relive any stress I might have, and my
friends will make me laugh as we swim in a dark blue sea. Ahh I love the
feeling of super soft skin, and you definitely get that after an hour in the
ocean. ….. This summer seems amazing! No joke! I have so many fun activities
planned with friends, road trips. Yes I said road trip, I can’t wait I feel
like disconnecting from L.A for a good weekend. Awwwww I have this funny look
on my face right now, (the look you get when you find out you still have 15 minutes of sleep before you have to get to work lol!)
Yes I can’t wait for summer!!!