I think road trips are the most amazing thing a human can
possible do [well that and some good coffee], you feel like you have no agenda
no prior commitment. The only thing that matters is enjoying the ride and
making it to your destination, I don’t worry about what am wearing what am eating,
and the only thing that pops into my head is what wonderful landscape I will see.
You pair that trip with awesome music and you’ll remember each and every
moment. I think I need, I need a road trip!!!! The routine of other states are mindboggling
it’s so fun to meet new people and understand their way of life, it kind of
shakes you a bit you begin to question your currant life, and sometimes you
doubt if it’s the best way to live it. Like do you really have to wake up super
early every day? [And not enjoy
the birds singing] Do
you really have to sleep that late because you have so many things to do in the
afternoon? [and miss out on a great book] I think we make life complicated but I really don’t
know how I could prevent this from happening hahahaha… am human after all…