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Wonder Woman sent me a text "so , Chris Pratt has money and time?, well you have me and lots of determination"

So when Christina Hendricks was asked about her “Full figure” she was reluctant why?..... well because hummm do people actually see her pretty waist line and womanly hips? C’mon her body is incredible I see no signs of being unhealthy, some girls are naturally curvier she has a beautiful slender face due to the fact that she isn’t over weight and she has the most beautiful voice in this planet- love her. Me and my friend are trying to get fit, during winter (it might not be the easiest thing to do considering the cold climate), BUT we have determination. However I think its very important to love your body NOW,  and not wait  until it looks like your dream body, remember you're goal is always to be the better you, YOU can be, following that guideline will prevent you from  wanting to be someone you cannot be, BUT also you won’t slack-off.    

Some of my favorite fitness websites are Nerd fitness, it makes me feel like Batman, I feel like if I follow his advice at night I’m totally turning into Bruce Wayne  …..and  the beautiful Ella from Deliciously Ella the coolest vegan. .But Remember!!!!!


My fitness plan  for cardio, you cant beat running !!! and this amazing Beginner body weight workout! its simple but I'm sure I'll get results , I like when he said :

"So you want to get in shape, but you have no gym membership.That’s fine, screw gyms! They’re loaded with chumps, meatheads, pushy salesmen, and people who suck at working out.  Luckily, you can burn fat, build muscle, and get a great workout using just your body weight.  Learn why cardio is one of the least efficient methods of burning calories, ( this is true but lets not forget the benefits of running)and how you can get a lot done in a little bit of time.  By doing body weight circuits, where you complete one exercise right after the other without stopping, you’re both building muscle and getting a cardiovascular workout"


Nothing compares to the high of a run or post work-out!!!!!


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